Matt Has A Life

I love going to the movies. I am interested in 19th century American history. I am conservative. I love dogs and even cats on occasion. This is my Life...

My Photo
Location: Ramsey, Minnesota, United States

I am just a normal guy in a crazy world...
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that for them...

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Moon over Minneapolis

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Two Harbors

Two Harbors
Posted by: mattlife.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

75 MPH

75 MPH
Posted by: mattlife.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Another Day Closer to Death

On this day of February 24 in 1991 during the Persian Gulf War, U.N. ground forces invaded Kuwait and Iraq. I was in Oklahoma getting ready to go to war. In fact, I went to the movies the night of the ground assault and saw a Robert Redford film called Havana. Why I remember this, I don’t know. It was the best and worst time of my life…

On this day of February 24, 2005, I got home from a long day of being gone, working and living life and found out that my home had been broken into and I had been robbed. Not that much was taken, but the stuff that was taken is pretty important to my life. And sadly, can’t be replaced. I didn’t have insurance. I always talked about it and even made several calls to find out about the cost, but never did anything. And now I have nothing to show for it.

The police told me that I need to be prepared for my home to be robbed again in the next week. The burglar(s) have been here, saw what I have, took the stuff that could be carried off, and will return to get the rest of my DVD collection and probably my TiVo.

Anyway, have a good day…So I guess again, it is the best and worst time of my life…